The Fund is not currently accepting applications. A new call for expressions of interest will be launched in 2024.
Le Fonds n’accepte pas les candidatures pour le moment. Un nouvel appel à manifestation d’intérêt sera lancé en 2024.
El Fondo no está aceptando solicitudes en este momento. Se lanzará una nueva convocatoria de manifestaciones de interés en 2024.
لا يقبل الصندوق حاليًا الطلبات. سيتم إطلاق دعوة جديدة للتعبير عن الاهتمام في عام 2024
Le Fonds n’accepte pas les candidatures pour le moment. Un nouvel appel à manifestation d’intérêt sera lancé en 2024.
El Fondo no está aceptando solicitudes en este momento. Se lanzará una nueva convocatoria de manifestaciones de interés en 2024.
لا يقبل الصندوق حاليًا الطلبات. سيتم إطلاق دعوة جديدة للتعبير عن الاهتمام في عام 2024
El Fondo no está aceptando solicitudes en este momento. Se lanzará una nueva convocatoria de manifestaciones de interés en 2024.
لا يقبل الصندوق حاليًا الطلبات. سيتم إطلاق دعوة جديدة للتعبير عن الاهتمام في عام 2024
لا يقبل الصندوق حاليًا الطلبات. سيتم إطلاق دعوة جديدة للتعبير عن الاهتمام في عام 2024
Vision and objective
The Refugee-led Innovation Fund champions the creativity of all displaced and stateless people. It aims to reshape their participation in the delivery of humanitarian work by ensuring they take centre stage in the decisions affecting their lives, leading the identification of needs and the design of innovative solutions.
The Fund provides holistic support – combining financial resources, mentoring, and other expertise – directly to refugee-led organizations, to enable them to design and deliver new interventions that have a lasting positive impact on their communities.
Vision et objectif
Le Fonds d’innovation dirigé par des réfugiés soutient la créativité de toutes les personnes déplacées ou apatrides. Il vise à redéfinir leur participation à la réalisation du travail humanitaire en veillant à ce qu’elles occupent une place centrale dans les décisions qui ont une incidence sur leur vie, et à ce qu’elles dirigent l’identification des besoins et l’élaboration de solutions innovantes.
Le Fonds fournit un soutien global, alliant les ressources financières, le tutorat et d’autres expertises, directement aux organisations dirigées par des réfugiés, afin de leur permettre de concevoir et de mettre en œuvre de nouvelles interventions, qui auront un impact positif durable sur leurs communautés.
Visión y objetivo
El Fondo de Innovación Liderado por Personas Refugiadas apoya la creatividad de todas las personas desplazadas y apátridas. El objetivo es redefinir su participación en la implementación de la labor humanitaria garantizando que tengan protagonismo a la hora de tomar de decisiones que afectan su vida, encabezando la identificación de las necesidades y el diseño de soluciones innovadoras.
El Fondo brinda apoyo integral (una combinación de recursos financieros, mentoría y otros conocimientos) directamente a las organizaciones lideradas por personas refugiadas a fin de permitirles diseñar y elaborar intervenciones nuevas que tengan un impacto positivo permanente en sus comunidades.
الرؤية والهدف
يدعم صندوق الابتكار بقيادة اللاجئين الإبداع لدى النازحين وعديمي الجنسية جميعًا. ويسعى إلى تغيير شكل مشاركتهم في تقديم العمل الإنساني من خلال وضع اللاجئين في مركز القرارات التي تؤثر على حياتهم، ويحرص على أن يستلموا زمام القيادة في تحديد الحاجات وتصميم الحلول المبتكرة.
ويقدّم الصندوق آلية دعم شاملة تجمع بين الموارد المالية والتوجيه والخبرات الأخرى مباشرةً للمنظمات التي يقودها أشخاص تعرضوا للنزوح القسري. وسوف يتيح لهم ذلك تصميم تدخلات جديدة ذات أثر إيجابي على مجتمعاتهم يدوم مدّةً طويلة.
About the Fund
Organizations led by displaced and stateless people make remarkable contributions to their communities but face considerable challenges accessing direct and flexible funding. Too often, they are excluded from existing networks of entrepreneurs and innovators, resulting in poor access to knowledge, information, and resources that could help them amplify their impact.
The Refugee-led Innovation Fund proposes a fundamental shift in programme architecture. It takes a grassroot approach whereby people who have experienced forced displacement are directly provided with meaningful financial resources and support to implement innovative approaches.
Le Fonds
Les organisations dirigées par des personnes déplacées ou apatrides apportent une contribution remarquable à leurs communautés mais rencontrent des problèmes considérables pour avoir accès à des financements directs et flexibles. Trop souvent, elles sont exclues des réseaux d’entrepreneurs et d’innovateurs existants, et des ressources qui pourraient les aider à amplifier leur impact.
Le Fonds d’innovation dirigé par des réfugiés propose un changement fondamental de l’architecture du programme. Il adopte une approche locale, dans laquelle les personnes qui ont connu une situation de déplacement forcé reçoivent directement les ressources financières et le soutien dont elles ont besoin pour mettre en œuvre des démarches innovantes.
Acerca del Fondo
Las organizaciones lideradas por personas desplazadas y apátridas realizan contribuciones extraordinarias en sus comunidades, pero enfrentan retos considerables que les impiden acceder a financiación directa y flexible. A menudo, se ven excluidas de las redes existentes de emprendedores e innovadores, lo que se traduce en un acceso limitado a conocimientos, información y recursos que podrían ayudarles a lograr un mayor impacto.
El Fondo de Innovación Liderado por Personas Refugiadas propone un cambio radical en la arquitectura de los programas. Adopta un enfoque comunitario mediante el cual quienes experimentaron el desplazamiento forzado reciben directamente apoyo y recursos financieros significativos para implementar enfoques innovadores.
معلومات عن الصندوق
تساهم المنظمات بقيادة اللاجئين والنازحين وعديمي الجنسية بشكل بارز في مجتمعاتها، إلا أنها تواجه تحديات كبرى بالحصول على التمويل المباشر والمرن. ففي غالب الأحيان، تستثنى هذه المنظمات من شبكات رواد المشاريع والمبتكرين القائمة، مما يؤدي إلى ضعف في النفاذ إلى المعرفة والمعلومات والموارد التي قد تساعدها على تعزيز أثرها.
ويقترح صندوق الابتكار بقيادة اللاجئين تغييرًا جذريًّا في هندسة البرنامج. ويتبنى الصندوق نهج شعبي حيث يحصل الأشخاص الذين تعرضوا للنزوح القسري على موارد مالية قيّمة ودعمًا لتطبيق نهجهم المبتكرة.
Who can apply
The Fund supports innovation by all organizations led by people with lived experience of forced displacement, including refugees, asylum-seekers, the internally displaced, returnees, and stateless people.
Applicants are asked to apply as a team, usually as part of an existing organization. The Fund accepts applications from both registered and unregistered organizations. Additional attention will be given to ensuring organizations led by LGBTIQ+ persons, women, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups receive support and encouragement to apply to the Fund.
Qui peut présenter sa candidature ?
Le Fonds soutient les innovations proposées par des organisations dirigées par des personnes qui ont vécu une situation de déplacement forcé, comme les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile, les déplacés internes, les personnes de retour et les apatrides.
Les candidats doivent présenter leur demande en tant qu’équipe, généralement dans le cadre d’une organisation existante. Le Fonds accepte les candidatures d’organisations aussi bien enregistrées que non enregistrées. Il veille également à ce que les organisations dirigées par des personnes LGBTIQ+, des femmes, des enfants, des personnes handicapées et d’autres groupes sous-représentés bénéficient d’un soutien et soient encouragées à présenter une demande au Fonds.
¿Quién puede aplicar?
El Fondo apoya la innovación de todas las organizaciones lideradas por personas que hayan experimentado desplazamiento forzado, incluidas las personas refugiadas, solicitantes de asilo, desplazadas internas, retornadas y apátridas.
Los solicitantes deben presentar una solicitud como equipo, generalmente como parte de una organización existente. El Fondo acepta propuestas de organizaciones registradas y no registradas. Nos aseguraremos de que las organizaciones lideradas por personas LGBTIQ+, mujeres, personas con discapacidad y otros grupos subrepresentados reciban apoyo para presentar sus solicitudes al Fondo.
من يمكنه أن يقدم طلبًا؟
يدعم الصندوق الابتكار لدى كافة المنظمات التي يقودها أشخاص تعرّضوا للنزوح القسري، بما في ذلك اللاجئين وطالبي اللجوء والنازحين داخليًا والعائدين وعديمي الجنسية.
يتعين على أصحاب الطلبات أن يقدموا طلباتهم ضمن فريق، كجزء من منظمة قائمة عادةً. ويقبل الصندوق الطلبات من المنظمات المسجلة وغير المسجلة. وستوفّر عناية إضافية للمنظمات التي يقودها مجتمع الميم والنساء وذوي الإعاقات وغيرها من المجموعات التي لا تحظى بالتمثيل الكافي، للحصول على الدعم والتشجيع لتقديم طلب للصندوق.
What the Fund offers
Selected organisations can expect the following support:
- Financial support: Organizations can apply for up to 45,000 USD in funding to test and implement ideas with strong community-approaches that generate value for community members, not specifically linked to any thematic area or technology.
- Programme and project management support: Grantees will receive assistance from UNHCR and experts to help build their capacity to design and implement programmes effectively.
- Technical support, expertise, and coaching: Needs-based specialist advice will be offered, on topics ranging from technology to legal support and innovation methodologies.
- Peer-to-peer networking: Supported organizations will be encouraged to engage with each other, share experiences, learn from each other, and explore partnerships.
- Other support based on project needs: This could include organizational support, help with project sustainability and scale, training on specific topics, business model advice, and media and communications support.
Ce qu’offre le Fonds
Les organisations sélectionnées peuvent s’attendre à bénéficier d’un soutien dans les domaines suivants :
- Soutien financier : Les organisations peuvent demander jusqu’à 45 000 dollars E.-U. de financement pour tester et mettre en œuvre des approches communautaires solides qui génèrent de la valeur pour les membres de la communauté, sans être spécifiquement liées à un domaine thématique ou technologique.
- Soutien au programme et à la gestion de projet : Les bénéficiaires recevront une assistance du HCR et d’experts pour les aider à se doter d’une capacité à élaborer et à appliquer des programmes efficacement.
- Soutien technique, expertise et coaching : Des conseils spécialisés fondés sur les besoins seront offerts, sur des sujets allant de la technologie à l’assistance juridique, en passant par les méthodologies d’innovation.
- Travail en réseau entre pairs : Les organisations soutenues seront encouragées échanger leurs expériences, à apprendre les unes des autres et à nouer des partenariats.
- Autre soutien fondé sur les besoins de projets : Il peut s’agir d’un soutien en matière d’organisation, d’une aide portant sur la soutenabilité et la portée des projets, d’une formation sur des sujets spécifiques, de conseils sur un modèle d’affaires et d’un soutien en matière de médias et de communications.
- Accent sur l’apprentissage : L’aide sera fournie pour permettre aux bénéficiaires de mesurer les résultats du projet, d’évaluer leur impact et de recueillir des informations pour soutenir sa croissance. Ils seront encouragés à documenter, utiliser et échanger les apprentissages pertinents. Grâce aux discussions et aux réflexions avec leurs communautés, ils pourront intégrer et prendre en compte les commentaires de ces dernières.
Qué ofrece el Fondo
Las organizaciones seleccionadas pueden esperar:
- Apoyo financiero: las organizaciones pueden solicitar financiamiento de hasta USD 45,000 para poner a prueba e implementar ideas con enfoques comunitarios sólidos que generen valor para los miembros de la comunidad, sin relación específica con ningún área temática o tecnología.
- Apoyo a la gestión de programas y proyectos: los beneficiarios recibirán asistencia de ACNUR y de expertos que les ayudarán a desarrollar la capacidad para diseñar e implementar los programas de manera eficaz.
- Apoyo técnico, conocimiento especializado y asesoramiento: se ofrecerá asesoramiento especializado según las necesidades, sobre temas desde apoyo tecnológico hasta jurídico y metodologías de la innovación.
- Apoyo entre pares: se alentará a las organizaciones respaldadas a interactuar, compartir experiencias, aprender entre sí y explorar las alianzas.
- Otro tipo de apoyo en función de las necesidades de cada proyecto: esto podría incluir apoyo organizativo, asistencia en lo referente al alcance y sostenibilidad del proyecto, capacitación sobre temas específicos, asesoramiento sobre el modelo de negocio, y apoyo en materia de comunicación y medios de difusión.
- Énfasis en el aprendizaje: se brindará apoyo para permitir que las organizacionespuedan analizar los resultados, evaluar el impacto y recopilar información para apoyar el crecimiento. Se les alentará a documentar, compartir y aprovechar los aprendizajes más importantes. El análisis y la reflexión con las comunidades les permitirá incorporar los comentarios y ofrecer respuestas.
ما يقدمه الصندوق؟
يمكن للمنظمات المختارة توقع ما يلي:
- الدعم المالي: يمكن للمنظمات أن تقدم طلبات بقيمة تصل إلى 45 ألف دولار أميركي كتمويل لاختبار وتطبيق أفكار ذات نهج مجتمعية قوية تولّد قيمة لأفراد المجتمع، من دون أن تكون مرتبطة بشكل خاص بمجال موضوعاتي أو تكنولوجيا معينة.
- دعم إدارة المشاريع والبرامج: يتلقى الحاصلون على منح الدعم من المفوضية وخبراء للمساعدة على بناء قدراتهم في تصميم البرامج وتطبيقها بفعالية.
- الدعم الفني والخبرة والتوجيه: يتم تقديم نصائح من اختصاصيين بحسب الحاجة حول مواضيع من التكنولوجيا إلى الدعم القانوني مرورًا بمنهجيات الابتكار.
- انشاء الشبكات بين النظراء: يتم تشجيع المنظمات التي تحظى على الدعم على التعامل مع بعضها البعض وتشارك التجارب والتعلم من بعضها البعض والتفكير بإمكانية الشراكة.
- أنواع دعم أخرى قائمة على الحاجة: قد يشمل ذلك الدعم التنظيمي والمساعدة باستدامة المشروع ونطاقه والتدريب في مجالات محددة وتوفير المشورة بنماذج الأعمال والدعم في مجال الإعلام والاتصالات.
- التركيز على التعليم: يقدَّم الدعم لتمكين الحاصلين على المنح من قياس مخرجاتهم وتقييم أثرهم وجمع المعلومات لدعم النمو. ويتم تشجيعهم لتوثيق ما تعلموه وتشاركه والاستفادة منه. وسوف يمكنهم النقاش والتفكير مع مجتمعاتهم من الاندماج والتعامل مع أية ملاحظات.
How to apply
Each year, we launch a new call for applications, which go through a two-stage selection process.
In the first stage, organizations are invited to submit a brief expression of interest. This expression of interest will provide a short overview of the identified challenge and proposed solution. The Innovation Service will review these applications and identify a shortlist of applications.
In the second stage, shortlisted organizations will have a further three weeks to submit a full application. They will receive support from the Innovation Service and UNHCR country offices to develop and submit these detailed applications.
Comment présenter sa candidature
Chaque année, nous lançons un nouvel appel à candidatures, qui passe par un processus de sélection en deux étapes. Dans la première étape, les organisations sont invitées à présenter une brève manifestation d’intérêt.
Cette manifestation d’intérêt livrera un bref aperçu du problème identifié et de la solution proposée. Le Service de l’innovation examinera ces candidatures et établira une liste restreinte.
Dans la deuxième étape, les organisations présélectionnées disposeront de trois semaines supplémentaires pour présenter une candidature complète. Le Service de l’innovation et les bureaux de pays du HCR les aideront à élaborer et présenter ces candidatures détaillées.
Cómo aplicar
Cada año, lanzamos una nueva convocatoria de aplicaciones, que pasan por un proceso de selección de dos fases. En la primera fase, se invita a las organizaciones a presentar una breve expresión de interés.
La expresión de interés ofrecerá una breve descripción del reto identificado y la solución propuesta. El Servicio de Innovación revisará las solicitudes y preseleccionará aquellas más prometedoras que estén alineadas con los principios del fondo.
En la segunda fase, las organizaciones preseleccionadas tendrán dos semanas más para presentar una solicitud completa. En el caso de ser requerido, recibirán apoyo del Servicio de Innovación y de las oficinas de país de ACNUR para desarrollar y presentar estas solicitudes detalladas.
كيف تقدم طلبًا
تخضع الطلبات لعملية اختيار مؤلفة من مرحلتين
في المرحلة الأولى، تُدعى المنظمات لتقديم إعرابًا موجزًا. ويقدم هذا الإعراب عن الاهتمام نظرة سريعة عن التحدي الذي تم تعريفه والحل المقترح. تراجع دائرة الابتكار هذه الطلبات وتختار قائمة مختصرة من الطلبات
في المرحلة الثانية، تحظى المنظمات المختارة بثلاثة أسابيع إضافية لتقديم طلب كامل. وتحظى هذه المنظمات بدعم من دائرة الابتكار ومكاتب المفوضية داخل البلدان لتطوير وتقديم هذه الطلبات المفصلة
Our Approach
To achieve its objectives, the Fund has adopted the following approach:
- Support forcibly displaced people to identify challenges and opportunities, and develop solutions that can have lasting impact within their communities.
- Provide a holistic support mechanism tailored to their requests, including financial support, mentorship and technical expertise across the innovation lifecycle.
- Connect disjointed, localized innovation by facilitating peer support, learning and sharing
- Build evidence that proves the power of initiatives developed by forcibly displaced people, and use this to overcome barriers that prevent them from accessing resources.
Notre approche
Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le Fonds a adopté l’approche suivante :
- Aider les personnes déplacées de force à identifier les problèmes et les opportunités, et à élaborer des solutions qui peuvent avoir un impact durable sur leurs communautés.
- Fournir un mécanisme de soutien global adapté à leurs demandes, avec notamment un soutien financier, un tutorat et une expertise technique tout au long du cycle de vie de l’innovation.
- Relier entre elles les innovations éparses et locales en facilitant le soutien et l’apprentissage par les pairs et les échanges entre pairs
- Recueillir des éléments factuels qui prouvent le pouvoir des initiatives élaborées par les personnes déplacées de force et les utiliser pour surmonter les obstacles qui les empêchent d’avoir accès aux ressources.
Nuestro enfoque
Para alcanzar sus objetivos, el Fondo adoptó el siguiente enfoque:
- Apoyar a las personas desplazadas por la fuerza a identificar los retos y las oportunidades, así como desarrollar soluciones capaces de generar un efecto permanente en sus comunidades.
- Brindar un mecanismo de apoyo integral adaptado a sus necesidades, que incluya apoyo financiero, mentoría y conocimiento técnico durante todo el ciclo de vida de la innovación.
- Conectar la innovación inconexa y localizada facilitando el apoyo, aprendizaje e intercambio entre pares.
- Reunir evidencia que demuestre el poder de las iniciativas desarrolladas por las personas desplazadas por la fuerza y utilizarla para superar los obstáculos que les impiden acceder a recursos.
تبنى الصندوق، من أجل تحقيق أهدافه، النهج التالي:
- دعم النازحين قسرًا لتحديد التحديات والفرص وتطوير حلول ذات أثر دائم على المجتمعات.
- تقديم آلية دعم شاملة مصممة حسب طلباتهم، بما في ذلك الدعم المالي والتوجيه والخبرة الفنية على طول الدورة الابتكارية.
- جمع الابتكارات المفككة والمحلية بتسهيل دعم الأقران والتعلم والمشاركة
- جمع أدلة تثبت قوة المبادرات التي طورها نازحون قسرًا واستخدامها لتجاوز العقبات التي تمنعهم من الوصول إلى الموارد
Meet our 2024 awardees
Refugee-inclusive research for more effective policy – De Spiegel Onderzoek en Advies – Netherlands
Challenge: In the Netherlands, refugees’ inadequate access to academic opportunities has stymied the development of inclusive research that accurately captures the perspectives of forcibly displaced communities. Public policy and opinion are thus based on an insufficient understanding of the refugee and integration experience.
Solution: De Spiegel Onderzoek en Advies will establish a pioneering hub within Dutch academia to enable refugees to come together, learn, and participate in research. Up to 15 people with lived experience of forced displacement will be trained to become adept researchers, capable of collecting and analyzing data and skillfully writing reports.
Expected results: 12–15 refugees from different backgrounds will help shape the academic discourse around displacement and integration, reflecting the diverse experiences of refugees. More accurate research will lead to improved understanding of needs and more effective integration policies.
Mentorship and capacity-building for refugee-led social enterprises – Bridging Gaps & Afri-Youth Network – Uganda
Challenge: In Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, a lack of access to the banking system, financial markets, entrepreneurship education, and opportunities hinders refugees from starting social enterprises and becoming self-sufficient, perpetuating cycles of poverty and income inequality.
Solution: Bridging Gaps and Afri-Youth Network will provide entrepreneurship training, microloans, long-term coaching, and mentorship to local entrepreneurs, with a strong focus on female participation.
Expected results: Up to 60 refugee entrepreneurs will benefit directly. By fostering their self-sufficiency, the project will create a ripple effect of new income sources – reducing inequality, breaking the cycle of poverty, and increasing community sustainability.
Roots of Resilience: Environmental therapy for psychosocial wellbeing – Syria Bright Future – Syria
Challenge: In northern Syria, refugees, internally displaced people, and returnees are grappling with severe psychological distress due to the experience of displacement, ongoing conflict, the recent earthquake, and environmental degradation. A lack of meaningful activity exacerbates feelings of dislocation, isolation, loss, and helplessness.
Solution: Syria Bright Future will engage forcibly displaced people and returnees in reforestation efforts, aiming to boost environmental health as well as enhancing participants’ mental wellbeing, sense of belonging, practical skills, and environmental knowledge.
Expected results: This initiative addresses environmental and psychological challenges through a multidisciplinary approach that leverages the benefits of nature. Internally displaced persons, refugees, and returnees are empowered to make meaningful contributions to their communities and environment, boosting their sense of appreciation and self-confidence.
Village Savings and Loans Associations for economic empowerment – Refugee Welfare Committee – Lesotho
Challenge: Forcibly displaced people in Lesotho, one of the world’s poorest countries, lack access to the necessary financial resources, credit, and documents to start micro-enterprises. High unemployment rates among this population exacerbate other vulnerabilities.
Solution: The Refugee Welfare Committee will promote enhanced income generation, financial management, and community cohesion through the establishment of Village Savings and Loan Associations for the displaced, alongside training, performance data analysis, and capacity building in order to cope up with external shock in a positive manner.
Expected results: Almost 500 households will benefit from improved access to savings and credit opportunities, enhancing job creation, economic empowerment, and resilience. A gender-sensitive approach will ensure women benefit from increased self-reliance.
Biblio-Huerta: Plants that heal – Bloque Costa Caribe Nicaragüense en el Exilio (BCCE) – Costa Rica
Challenge: In Costa Rica, Indigenous women and others displaced from Nicaragua’s Caribbean autonomous regions face multifaceted challenges – related to integration, discrimination, child care, education, employment, and more. There is a very real need to ensure food security and protect the heritage of these communities.
Solution: BCCE will support displaced Indigenous members of their network to grow traditional plants, thereby addressing food insecurity and safeguarding ancestral traditions. The cultivation and documentation of medicinal plants to treat specific ailments will help preserve ancestral healing practices.
Expected results: The project will promote food security, contribute to the conservation of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge, and address specific health needs.
Microfinancing for refugee entrepreneurs – Skylight Ventures – United Kingdom
Challenge: In the UK, refugees – especially those with entrepreneurial projects – face barriers to accessing financial services. Despite high demand for tailored support, banking regulations and documentation gaps mean refugees struggle to secure funding for their businesses.
Solution: Skylight Ventures will scale up the UK’s first interest-free microfinance initiative for refugee entrepreneurs, to strengthen an inclusive funding ecosystem that is tailored to the needs of refugee founders at every stage of their business development.
Expected results: Through activities including enhanced access to funding, advocacy with existing financial providers to increase financial opportunities, and financial literacy training, up to 13 refugee entrepreneurs will be empowered to advance their businesses and more effectively contribute to their host communities.
Coordination of blood donors and reduction of financial burdens – Nayapara Rohingya Blood Donation Organisation (NRBDO) – Bangladesh
Challenge: Rohingya refugees face challenges accessing life-saving medical interventions, especially those requiring blood transfusions. The absence of a blood bank in Nayapara camp means patients and their families must invest time and money in connecting with blood donors and securing blood supplies. This represents an existential risk for patients.
Solution: NRBDO will establish a sustainable, community-driven system that ensures timely access to safe blood donations, while reducing financial burdens associated with this process. Activities include establishing coordination systems that connect patients with donors and implementing a financial assistance mechanism, among others.
Expected results: Critical access to blood supplies secured for Rohingya refugees in Nayapara Refugee Camp, and the financial burden for this essential service significantly reduced, driving improved health and economic outcomes.
Inclusive banking KYC for refugees – Welcome Place – France
Challenge: In France, refugees struggle to access banking services due to a failure to implement existing regulations that recognize different forms of identification, and a lack of technological tools that can process the IDs held by refugees. This makes it hard for refugees to receive salaries, pay bills, and participate in the digital economy.
Solution: Welcome Place will use AI to improve existing identity verification tools, enabling refugees to access the banking system with their various types of ID. The project will create a database that integrates all forms of ID documents recognized by authorities around the world in a variety of languages.
Expected results: This AI-driven tool will make it easier for customers of Welcome Account – a neobank serving newcomers to France – to open an account, and will also empower other players in the banking system to provide services to refugees in compliance with current regulation, facilitating socioeconomic integration.
Creative and digital hub to foster economic integration – Fundación MUEVE – Ecuador
Challenge: The arrival of many Venezuelan refugees and migrants, as well as forcibly displaced from other countries, has resulted in elevated levels of unemployment, economic and social marginalization, and restricted access to educational resources and employment prospects in Ecuador.
Solution: Fundación MUEVE aims to establish a creative and digital hub that will focus on technological and digital training (for instance, design and manufacturing with 3D printers and scanners), fostering innovation, and creating a collaborative ecosystem to promote socioeconomic integration and social cohesion.
Expected results: This project will reach more than 500 individuals, using digital innovation to address the challenges of unemployment and economic hardship, and foster economic and social inclusion.
Sustaining academic motivation for refugee children – Let’s Read – Jordan
Challenge: In Zaatari Refugee Camp, barriers to accessing education – including unreliable internet connectivity and a lack of access to digital technologies and educational resources – negatively impacts refugee children’s learning and personal development. Girls are disproportionately affected, with many out of school.
Solution: Let’s Read will bridge this education gap by using technological and offline solutions to provide easy access to learning. Educational content will be created and distributed via WhatsApp; AI-based platform Ekatra will provide personalized learning experiences; offline learning resources will be developed; and interactive sessions will be offered.
Expected results: Through this project, participants will be able to access uninterrupted personalized learning, enhancing overall educational outcomes, boosting digital literacy, and creating a resilient learning ecosystem that will enable refugees – with a special focus on girls and women – to thrive despite challenges.
Weaving Futures: Sustainable livelihoods – Associação Dos Migrantes Indigenas Roraimö (AMIR) – Brazil
Challenges: The forced displacement of indigenous Venezuelans to Brazil has resulted in a loss of cultural traditions and the exacerbation of vulnerabilities such as food insecurity and lack of access to education and livelihoods. As a result, Indigenous communities in Tierra San Marcos have struggled to integrate successfully and thrive in their communities.
Solution: AMIR will develop livelihoods and income generating opportunities for Indigenous people through the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage, alongside the surplus production of agroecology, to expand ethnotourism activities.
Expected results: This project, run by displaced Indigenous Venezuelans, will provide up to 180 community members with income sources to improve their livelihoods, food security, and access to rights and services, such as education.
Enhancing refugee and host community nutrition through sprout farming – Kalobeiyei Initiative 4 Better Life – Kenya
Challenge: Kenya is grappling with a severe food crisis brought on by a prolonged drought, affecting millions of people and leading to increased malnutrition rates, especially among children and pregnant women. This challenge is compounded by the pressure of hosting a large refugee population.
Solution: The Kalobeiyei Initiative 4 Better Life will address food security and nutrition challenges in the refugee community in Kakuma through the cultivation of nutrient-rich sprouts in recycled plastic containers. Community members will be upskilled in innovative agricultural techniques.
Expected results: Up to 200 individuals from the refugee and host communities with severe malnutrition benefit from improved food security and wellbeing, skill-building, and enhanced community cooperation.
Kugawana: Connecting refugees and neighbors to fight food waste – Association of Refugee Women in Uganda – Uganda
Challenge: High levels of food insecurity in Kampala, especially among refugees, along with disparities in food aid distribution and a substantial solid waste problem must be urgently addressed to support human and environmental health.
Solution: The Association of Refugee Women in Uganda will create an app-based system that connects surplus food resources with refugees, promoting food sharing and security and reducing waste.
Expected results: Through app development, partnerships, and awareness campaigns, the project will cut food waste, enhance food security, and build stronger community connections. The project will reach more than 100,000 refugees across four divisions of Kampala.
Advocacy for trans and gender nonconforming refugees’ empowerment and rights – Queerstion Media – Sweden
Challenge: Trans and gender nonconforming (TGNC) refugees and asylum seekers in Sweden face multiple barriers to meaningfully participate in decision making and advocacy, even as certain protections for this community are deteriorating. Various challenges make it hard for TGNC asylum seekers to access international protection mechanisms.
Solution: Queerstion Media will empower TGNC refugees and asylum seekers by strengthening advocacy efforts to influence public policy and enhance participation in decision-making processes. The project will do this through capacity-building sessions, leadership training, and community support.
Expected results: Participants will emerge not only as better-equipped advocates for their own rights but also as leaders within the community. The ultimate aim is to influence local and regional legal protection frameworks for this community and strengthen the capacity of local authorities to respond to their needs.
Mental health support for forcibly displaced Sudanese – Sudan Democracy Action Group – Sudan and neighboring countries
Challenge: The ongoing conflict in Sudan has forced millions of people to flee, creating an urgent humanitarian crisis. These experiences have a profound impact on the mental health of Sudanese internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees abroad, with many living with mental distress and trauma.
Solution: The Sudan Democracy Action Group will raise awareness about common mental health challenges confronting Sudanese IDPs and refugees, while providing avenues for support and empowerment through the use of digital technologies. The project will provide group lectures, and support sessions, one-on-one consultations, and anonymous texting options.
Expected results: The project’s multi-layered approach to service provision will cater to diverse needs, while coupling awareness raising with direct support will strengthen its reach. IDPs in Sudan and forcibly displaced Sudanese individuals abroad will benefit.
Meso-soft project – Eco-shoes Africa – Uganda
Challenge: Many of Bidibidi refugee settlement 500,000 refugee children lack proper footwear, leading to health risks, educational barriers, and environmental pollution from discarded shoes. This negatively affects the wellbeing of both the forcibly displaced population in the camp and the host communities.
Solution: Eco-shoes Africa will provide sustainable, adjustable shoes to vulnerable refugee children in the Bidibidi, while simultaneously promoting eco-friendly shoe production by refugees and reducing environmental pollution caused by discarded shoes.
Expected results: Children will benefit from better footwear, while adults will benefit from vocational training. Outcomes include improved well-being, empowerment through skills and employment, environmental responsibility, community integration, advocacy, and long-term sustainability.
SowHope: Sustainable agriculture for refugee empowerment and food security – Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF) – Uganda
Challenge: Food scarcity and dependency on external aid in Uganda’s refugee settlements of Pagirinya and Maaji has led to reduced food rations for refugees and their hosts, undermining their nutrition and overall health. Reliance on external assistance limits the refugees’ autonomy and self reliance, perpetuating a cycle of dependency.
Solution: YEF aims to implement vertical farming, backyard gardening, organic farming, and climate-smart practices to equip refugees to produce their own food sustainably – and, by extension, address associated challenges including social instability.
Expected results: Through sustainable agriculture, the project will empower forcibly displaced people in the settlements and host community members to achieve food security, economic self-sufficiency, and harmonious coexistence.
Somos Territorio Soachuno (We are Soachuno Territory) – Fundación Genval – Colombia
Challenge: Colombia’s municipality of Soacha has experienced rapid population growth due to the arrival of migrants from elsewhere in Colombia and abroad. This has led to various economic and social vulnerabilities, informal land occupation, state neglect, and stigmatization.
Solution: Fundación Genval will establish a regenerative community tourism initiative in Soacha involving both migrants and host communities, to reduce economic disparities, foster community empowerment, and harness the area’s multicultural and heritage potential for sustainable prosperity.
Expected results: Almost 2,000 community members (men, women, and young people) are expected to benefit from enhanced livelihoods, social cohesion, and wellbeing.
Mental health support for Ukrainian refugees – Refugee Luminary Youth Initiative – Poland
Challenge: Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, millions of children and adults have been exposed to violence, displacement, and trauma. Refugees seeking safety and protection in Poland face barriers to accessing mental health services and treatment, which increases their risk of developing mental health disorders.
Solution: The Refugee Luminary Youth Initiative will provide comprehensive and accessible mental health support to Ukrainian refugees in Poland, delivering culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, and evidence-based interventions to promote psychological well-being, resilience, and recovery among affected individuals.
Expected results: The project aims to contribute to the overall well-being, successful integration, and long-term stability of Ukrainian refugee communities in Poland, thereby expanding the network and the Mental Health Rescuers project to the places it is most needed.
Ecological briquette production for improved living conditions – Women’s Expertise – Democratic Republic of Congo
Challenge: In Central Kasai, intercommunal conflicts, food insecurity, epidemics, chronic malnutrition, and gender-based violence have led people to displace to the town of Kananga, where they face dire living conditions marked by absolute poverty, environmental pollution from unmanaged waste, and overreliance on costly charcoal for energy.
Solution: Women’s Expertise will start production of eco-friendly fuel briquettes from biodegradable waste, offering economic benefits, job creation, environmental advantages, cleaner energy, improved sanitation, and reduced health risks.
Expected results: More than 3,000 internally displaced people will benefit from enhanced socioeconomic conditions and improved health, thanks to a reduction in deforestation and a cleaner environment.
Phones without Borders – selfm.aid – Greece
Challenge: Many asylum seekers and refugees arrive in Greece without functional mobile phones, which are crucial for accessing information, communicating with loved ones, and seeking safety and assistance.
Solution: Selfm.aid aims to provide functional mobile phones to forcibly displaced individuals in Greece, with activities including phone collection, repair, secure data handling, distribution, and technical support.
Expected results: The project will address the communications challenges encountered by refugees and asylum seekers throughout their journeys and asylum processes, as well as fostering collaboration with other NGOs for amplified impact.
Innovative Education: Play-based pedagogy for refugee children – Refugee-led Organization Network (RELON) – Malawi
Challenge: The Dzaleka refugee camp faces significant education challenges, including inadequate pedagogical methods, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of specialized support for children with disabilities.
Solution: RELON Malawi – a consortium of three refugee-led organizations – will implement play-based pedagogy, a child-centered learning method focused on playful activities and games to enhance education quality and inclusivity.
Expected results: The project will benefit up to 1,300 children and 50 teachers. It is designed to rekindle the desire for education among refugee children, enhance their holistic development, and promote inclusion of children with disabilities.
Art therapy for displaced children with disabilities – Humanitarian Cooperation Foundation for People with Disabilities – Yemen
Challenge: Displaced children with disabilities in Yemen face unequal access to essential services, a lack of necessary resources and equipment, and communication difficulties, which encompass comprehension, social communication, and emotional and social challenges.
Solution: The Humanitarian Cooperation Foundation will provide art therapy to displaced children with disabilities, with activities including needs assessment and cooperation with external organizations to address the unique challenges these children face in adapting to their new environment and improving their quality of life.
Expected results: The project will improve the mental health of up to 300 children with disabilities from the displaced and host communities, as well as strengthening trauma coping mechanisms, enhancing communication and social skills, developing creative abilities, boosting self-confidence, and providing support and awareness to families.
Queer & Trans Refugees Advisory Network-Africa (QTRAN-Africa) – LGBTQI+ Network of Refugees and Asylum Seekers – South Africa
Challenge: In South Africa, organizations of LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers face challenges to come together to advocate for themselves and participate in decision making processes. This lack of participation and representation stymies the development of public policies that respond to their specific needs and promote local integration.
Solution: The LGBTQI+ Network of Refugees and Asylum Seekers will establish QTRAN-Africa – a collective of African activists and advocates with lived experience of displacement – to help drive policies led by LGBTQI+ refugees and support LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa to achieve self-reliance.
Expected results: This network will boost the representation of LGBTQI+ refugees on regional and global advocacy platforms, ensure their participation in decision-making that affects them, and increase the socioeconomic integration of LGBTQI+ refugees in South Africa.
Pocha House: Seeding art, sowing action – Otros Dreams en Acción (ODA) – Mexico
Challenge: Undocumented people who are deported from the US back to Mexico face discrimination, stigma, and mental health issues. Many were taken to the US as children, so don’t speak Spanish or have a close connection to the territory or community to which they have returned. Many struggle with family separation.
Solution: ODA will bring together people across Mexico who have been deported from the US, creating a space for healing and organizing through the use of art methodologies. This will scale up an existing community-building initiative known as the Pocha House, and use both in-person and virtual spaces.
Expected results: Through “artivism” and collective action, this project will address feelings of isolation and powerlessness, empowering individuals, returning their sense of agency, and fostering connection, healing, belonging, and community.
Scaling up handicraft business for livelihoods – Zaatari Camp Creations – Jordan
Challenge: In Jordan’s Zaatari refugee camp, residents struggle to engage in livelihoods and income generating activities due to a scarcity of job opportunities, persistent gender norms, inaccessibility, and low wages. Many rely on humanitarian aid as a source of income, which often isn’t enough to cover basic needs.
Solution: Zaatari Camp Creations will scale up an existing business initiative that is providing a source of income for families in the camp through the creation of unique handcrafted products that promote Syrian and Arab cultural traditions.
Expected results: The project will expand livelihood opportunities for refugees, provide new skills and training to participants, and enhance social cohesion among refugees and their hosts.
Meet the 2022–3 awardees
UNIDOS Social Innovation Center — Uganda
Challenge: Farmers in Uganda’s Nakivale refugee settlement are struggling with low yields due to infertile and eroded soil. Many farmers continue to use environmentally harmful techniques that exacerbate the problem, threatening the ecosystem and their livelihoods.
Solution: UNIDOS will adopt a systemic approach that prioritises complementary ecological and socioeconomic interventions to enhance regenerative agriculture practices in and around Nakivale. The team proposes vermicompost as an entry point to promote better practices.
Expected results: 1,080 individuals from the settlement and host community will be trained in regenerative farming techniques, with 30 farmers trained to produce, sell, and distribute vermicompost. More sustainable livelihoods, healthier food, enhanced soil quality.
Association Gouna-Thieré — Mali
Challenge: The arrival of forcibly displaced populations had resulted in waste-management issues and expanded landfills, creating severe sanitation issues in the city of Timbuktu.
Solution: Association Gouna-Thieré will work to clean up the living environment of displaced people with a community-based, cash-for-work programme to collect plastic waste and recycle it into artwork and paving stones.
Expected results: 250 people, including 150 forcibly displaced women, benefit from improved livelihood opportunities as waste collectors and art /paving stones makers, with 250 tonnes of plastic waste recycled into beautiful and useful materials.
Redeeming Hope for the Disabled — South Africa
Challenge: People with disabilities face stereotyping and discrimination, increasing their vulnerability. For migrants and refugees with disabilities in South Africa, this is compounded by xenophobia and a lack of proper documentation.
Solution: Redeeming Hope for the Disabled will create a Life Skills Empowerment Centre, where people living with disabilities will be trained to provide repair services, including for cell phones, computers, wheelchairs, and other assistive technologies.
Expected results: Persons with disabilities will become trusted solution-providers for the repair of technology, and the Centre will become a unifying platform to coordinate the efforts of various organizations assisting displaced people living with disabilities in Pretoria and Johannesburg.
Pabėgėlių Taryba (Refugee Council of Lithuania) — Lithuania
Challenge: Lithuania has a rich ecosystem of startups, but refugees are mostly excluded from this ecosystem since entrepreneurship initiatives do not address their specific needs. This prevents refugee entrepreneurs from starting/sustaining enterprises, hindering socioeconomic integration.
Solution: Pabėgėlių Taryba will facilitate market-driven skills acquisition, entrepreneurial development, and innovative partnerships through the Talent Together initiative, which is embedded into existing networks and initiatives at the local and regional level.
Expected results: 8–15 refugee-led startups will be supported to develop and strengthen entrepreneurial skills and to integrate into the ecosystem. Increased availability of robust data on refugee entrepreneurs, and improved pathways for socioeconomic integration.
Global Girl Media — Greece
Challenge: Many refugee women and girls living in Greece are exposed to gender-based violence (GBV), exploitation, and abuse. There’s a lack of services to support these women and online media often contributes to the problem, rather than productively countering it.
Solution: All-female collective Global Girl Media presents AGAPE Athens, a mixed-media awareness-raising campaign, produced by young women from the displaced and host communities, that harnesses the power of social media to change the narrative on GBV.
Expected results: 75 young women will gain awareness of media impacts on gender equality as well as the skills they need to become bold content creatives, producing up to 360 pieces of multimedia content. Plus, up to 75 boys are sensitised through participation in some workshops.
Kyete Biingi Tai Nyeme (KBTN) — Uganda
Challenge: The Nakivale refugee settlement has inadequate land to support farming and food production to sustain the population, while environmentally damaging farming techniques and limited capital to purchase tools, equipment and seeds create further challenges.
Solution: KBTN will establish a seed bank and exchange system, set up community gardens and communal access to equipment, provide training on effective land use, and introduce a management structure whereby farmer-led committees lead implementation and monitoring.
Expected results: 2,400 farmers directly benefit from the programme across 24 Nakivale villages. Seeds and trees are distributed to 600 farmers each season. Each participating village has a community garden established, and receives hoes, watering cans, and a water pump.
Women for Action — Malawi
Challenge: Dzaleka refugee camp is home to more than 57,000 people who depend on limited food aid. Movement restrictions limit livelihood opportunities, while poor conditions result in low crop yields and food insecurity. Some women and girls turn to negative coping mechanisms.
Solution: Women for Action will implement an aquaponics project in the camp to increase food security and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for women, with training in system installation and maintenance, as well as business management and marketing.
Expected results: 100 women receive capacity-building and training, gaining access to income-generating activities. Aquaponics, with its relatively minor land/environmental footprint, is integrated into refugee livelihoods and food systems, improving food security for 1,000 people.
Espero — France
Challenge: Refugees face barriers to social and economic integration in France, with their career trajectories characterised by jobs with low qualifications, low wages, and precarious conditions. Many refugees have sewing skills, but face challenges accessing the prestigious textile industry.
Solution: Espero will implement a project using haute couture upcycling as a formal integration pathway. Vocational workshops on design and sewing techniques will be complemented by networking opportunities and socioeconomic support to access housing and French classes.
Expected results: 20 refugees gain marketable skills and are supported to sell their products, boosting their socioeconomic integration. The project will also change the narrative around refugees, combating prejudice and raising awareness about displacement issues.
Associação de Comunidade de Afegãos em Portugal (ACAP) — Portugal
Challenge: Since August 2021, displaced Afghan women have steadily been arriving in Portugal with their families, and many of them face challenges finding employment.
Solution: ACAP aims to link the rich textile-manufacturing heritage of Afghanistan and Portugal, to support socioeconomic integration. Market-driven skills acquisition, innovative partnerships, and the promotion of Afghan textile techniques will support refugee women to become self-reliant.
Expected results: 10 Afghan women will be trained, connected to Portuguese fashion designers and textile manufacturers, and supported to start their own businesses. 850 members of the Afghan refugee community in Portugal will indirectly benefit.
Unione Italiana Apolidi — Italy
Challenge: Statelessness is poorly understood by the Italian public and academia, resulting in discriminatory policies and behaviours. This prevents stateless people from enjoying their rights, and is compounded by inadequate research and data on statelessness in Italy.
Solution: Unione Italiana Apolidi will equip stateless people with enhanced advocacy skills to change the narrative on this issue, as well as partnering with Italian universities to organise seminars and essay competitions about statelessness in order to promote timely research and data on statelessness in the country.
Expected results: 4 stateless individuals will initially receive advocacy training – with others identified in due course – and 300 students across 6 universities will participate in research and essay competitions, resulting in greater visibility and understanding of statelessness.
Education for Peace — Sudan
Challenge: Displaced young people in Sudan lack outlets for positive and creative expression and access to educational and therapeutic services. This results in feelings of despair, mental health disorders, and violence between displacement camp residents and host communities.
Solution: Education for Peace will facilitate drama workshops to help youth address conflicts, accept difference, and develop a sense of belonging, while a documentary will be produced to raise awareness of refugee talent. A complementary teacher-training program to improve the quality of education in the camps will be provided for refugee teachers.
Expected results: 500 young people benefit from drama workshops, while 360 refugee teachers will receive teacher training to improve the quality of education offered to youth. Displaced youth organise a month-long drama festival, with the participation of host communities, showcasing the peacebuilding potential of drama and education.
SAMA for All — France
Challenge: Refugees in France lack professional, social, and cultural integration opportunities. Inability to access art and culture stymies their integration process, while a lack of access to employment opportunities is a major barrier to achieving self-reliance and economic integration.
Solution: Sama for All will provide tailored, immersive professional training in art and museums professions in partnership with French museums and cultural centres (such as Paris’s Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie and Musee d’Orsay) and with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
Expected results: Up to 25 refugees will receive 10 months of training, with at least 30% of them securing work in the cultural sector following the programme. All participants will feel an enhanced sense of belonging and social inclusion, and intercultural dialogue will be facilitated.
Tertiary Refugee Student Network (TRSN) — Rwanda
Challenge: Only 6% of displaced youth worldwide enter higher education, despite demand being extremely high, with thousands of applications submitted each year. This is in part due to a lack of access to information about work and study opportunities as well as limited support.
Solution: TRSN will provide capacity building and advocacy opportunities to refugee students, with a refugee-led advisory network established to provide customised one-on-one support, guidance, and counselling by trained refugee experts to prospective students.
Expected results: Within the 12-month funding period, up to 700 refugee students across two locations will receive guidance on higher education opportunities, possible education pathways, job placements, and remote work opportunities, boosting resilience and livelihood opportunities.
Coopérative Agropastorale Maboko — Democratic Republic of Congo
Challenge: Forcibly displaced people living in the DRC’s Mole refugee camp are affected by severe food insecurity and malnutrition, with the host community also suffering from these issues. This often drives intercommunal conflict.
Solution: Coopérative Agropastorale Maboko will implement a project to create 30 additional fishponds, using water from plentiful mangrove springs, to increase yields, diversify diets, and reduce food insecurity. Waste from guinea-pig and rabbit breeding will be used to feed the fish.
Expected results: 265 households benefit directly from increased income and improved food security, while 800 people in surrounding towns benefit from newly available fish products. The project will contribute to peaceful cohabitation and boost self-sufficiency.
People Against Suffering Oppression Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP) — South Africa
Challenge: LGBTQI+ refugees come to South Africa in pursuit of freedom from discrimination. Instead, they are too often met with homophobia and xenophobia, which is in part driven by fear stemming from a lack of knowledge about this community.
Solution: PASSOP will launch a series of initiatives to facilitate sustained, positive contact among LGBTQI+ refugees and host community members and leaders. Through safe community gatherings and education initiatives, South Africans will have the opportunity to meet LGBTQI+ refugees, hear their stories, understand their rights, and develop empathy with them.
Expected results: More than 200 LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers living in Cape Town and the surrounding areas will benefit from the project, which will tackle prejudice and discrimination, and support enhanced social integration and wellbeing.
Solidarity of Refugee Women for the Social Welfare (SOFERES) — Malawi
Challenge: Many residents of Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi – including 26% of camp residents under five years of age – suffer from chronic malnutrition, due to food security challenges and a lack of livelihood opportunities.
Solution: SOFERES will train refugees and host community members on farming techniques and financial literacy, as well as providing agricultural inputs and seed funding. 20 farming cooperatives will be established to improve competitiveness and market-access.
Expected results: 200 people, mostly women, from the refugee and host community will benefit from capacity-building, improved livelihood opportunities, and greater market access. Camp residents will experience enhanced food security, with improved health outcomes.
Hope Health Action East Africa (HHA EA) — Uganda
Challenge: An increasing number of refugee families are returning from Uganda to South Sudan’s Kajo-Keji, but Kajo-Keji lacks infrastructure and services for returnees – which has particular health implications for women as well as people with disabilities or chronic illness.
Solution: HHA EA aims to improve outcomes for returnees by establishing a new outpatient health centre to meet some immediate needs and to function as a hub and referral platform for other health services (such as those provided by CRADLE and UNHCR’s public health teams).
Expected results: The clinic will initially serve up to 500 patients per month, with CRADLE providing coverage for around 17,300 women of child-bearing age. Around 2,300 households with a person with a disability will be supported by community-based rehabilitation services.
Who is eligible to apply?
Only organizations led by people who have lived experience of forced displacement are eligible to apply. This includes refugees, asylum-seekers, the internally displaced, returnees, and stateless people. We accept applications from both registered and unregistered organisations. As the Fund is trying to promote novel ideas proposed by refugee-led organisations to test innovative approaches, projects that have received support during past rounds of the Refugee-led Innovation Fund are not eligible to receive additional funding to continue implementation of existing initiatives. However, grantee organizations proposing a new idea/project are welcome to apply.
What counts as innovation for the Fund?
Innovation is not about technology, it is about tackling challenges in new or unexplored ways to create value for communities. We assess the innovativeness of an idea on the basis of the extent to which it represents a creative and new approach to challenges identified by forcibly displaced and stateless persons and the value/impact that it will generate in the community. Ideas may be new to UNHCR, new to the context, or new to the world.
How will you select projects?
To ensure an efficient process and avoid unnecessary efforts put by organizations in developing full proposals at an early stage, the application process to the Refugee-led Innovation Fund will take place in two phases:
- Expressions of Interest (EoI): All organizations interested in receiving support through the Fund will have to submit an EoI by 30 June which briefly describes their challenge, proposed solution, and the value it will generate in the community. The Innovation Service will longlist applications received to pre-select the most promising ones. These longlisted applications will go through a vetting and due diligence process to verify some relevant details about the organizations. Not pre-selected EoIs will be notified.
- Full proposals: Organizations that pass the vetting and due diligence process will develop full proposals that will be reviewed by a technical committee and a Steering Committee, which includes forcibly displaced and stateless persons, to make a final decision on the projects to be supported through the Fund.
What is the assessment criteria?
The main criteria to be followed during the selection process will be:
- Challenge framing: How well the challenge is framed and whether the views from community members and relevant stakeholders have been captured.
- Novelty of the idea/solution: Whether similar solutions exist or not.
- Value for community: Potential positive impact on the identified community(ies) if the proposed solution is successful.
Does the Fund focus on a specific technology, theme or impact area?
No. The Fund stresses the importance of ensuring people who have experienced forced displacement are able to frame the challenge themselves and lead the design of solutions.
Our organization has a new idea, but we’ve never tried anything like it before. Can we still apply?
Yes, you can apply whether or not you’ve previously tested your idea. Bear in mind that applicants are required to outline an idea that they want to explore in their context, and that they believe will lead to lasting positive change. This approach allows emergent ideas to surface from ongoing dialogue with their communities.
How much funding is each organization eligible to receive?
The maximum financial support applicants can apply for is 45,000 USD.
What costs are covered by the Fund?
All costs related to project activities can be covered by the Fund, including procurement of goods and services as well as personnel/staffing costs needed to advance the aims of the project. Office costs and overhead costs, if they can clearly be linked to the project, can also be covered. The funding cannot be used for purchasing goods or services for personal use.
Can individuals apply for the Fund?
No. Applicants must apply as a team, usually as part of an existing grassroots, community-based or refugee-led organization.
Does the Fund accept joint applications from two or more organizations?
The Fund welcomes and encourages multi-stakeholder proposals. We recommended one organization take responsibility for submitting the joint expression of interest and the full proposal, ensuring to include the names of the partner organizations in the application. The maximum funding available for any project – whether led by one organization or several – is 45,000 USD.
What is the project implementation period?
Projects supported through the Fund are expected to start implementation in January 2024. We will ensure all relevant documentation to formalize the special partnership agreement between grantees and UNHCR will be prepared before the end of 2023. The financial support channelled through the Fund can be spread out over a maximum of 18 months.
Preguntas frecuentes
¿Quién es elegible para aplicar?
Únicamente las organizaciones lideradas por personas que experimentaron el desplazamiento forzado son elegibles para inscribirse. Esto incluye personas refugiadas, solicitantes deasilo, desplazadas internas, retornadas y apátridas. Aceptamos solicitudes de organizaciones registradas y no registradas. Como el Fondo intenta promover ideas novedosas propuestas por organizaciones lideradas por personas refugiadas para poner a prueba enfoques innovadores, los proyectos que recibieron apoyo en la pasada rondadel Fondo no son elegibles para recibir financiamiento adicional a fin de continuar implementando iniciativas existentes. Pero las organizaciones beneficiarias que proponen una nueva idea o proyecto sí pueden inscribirse.
¿Qué significa "innovación" para el Fondo?
La innovación no significa tecnología, es abordar retos de formas nuevas o inexploradas para crear valor en las comunidades. Evaluamos la innovación de una idea en la medida en que representa un enfoque creativo y novedoso para los desafíos identificados por las personas desplazadas por la fuerza y apátridas y el impacto que generará su comunidad. Las ideas pueden ser nuevas para ACNUR, nuevas para el contexto o nuevas para el mundo.
¿Cómo se seleccionarán los proyectos?
Para garantizar un proceso eficiente y evitar esfuerzos innecesarios por parte de las organizaciones para desarrollar propuestas completas anter de conocer si la idea se ajusta al enfoque del Fondo, el proceso de solicitud para el Fondo de Innovación Liderado por Personas Refugiadas se llevará a cabo en dos fases:
- Expresiones de interés (EoI): todas las organizaciones interesadas en recibir apoyo a través del Fondo deberán presentar una EoI antes del 30 de junio que describa brevemente su desafío, la solución propuesta y el valor que generará en la comunidad. El Servicio de Innovación revisará las solicitudes recibidas para preseleccionar las más prometedoras. Estas solicitudes preseleccionadas pasarán por un proceso de diligencia debida para verificar algunos detalles relevantes sobre las organizaciones. Las EoI no preseleccionadas serán notificadas.
- Propuestas completas: Las organizaciones que superen el proceso de diligencia debida desarrollarán propuestas detalladas que serán revisadas por un comité técnico y un Comité Directivo, que incluye personas desplazadas por la fuerza y apátridas, para tomar una decisión final sobre los proyectos que se apoyarán a través de la Fondo.
¿Cuáles son los criterios de evaluación?
Los principales criterios a seguir durante el proceso de selección serán:
- Formulación del desafío: qué tan bien se describe el desafío y si se han capturado las opiniones de los miembros de la comunidad y las partes clave.
- Novedad de la idea/solución: si existen o no soluciones similares.
- Valor para la comunidad: impacto positivo potencial en la(s) comunidad(es) identificada(s) si la solución propuesta tiene éxito.
- Participación de las personas desplazadas por la fuerza y apátridas en todas las fases del proyecto, desde la identificación del desafío hasta el seguimiento y la evaluación.
¿El Fondo se centra en una tecnología, tema o área en particular?
No. El Fondo destaca la importancia de garantizar que las personas que experimentaron el desplazamiento forzado puedan plantear el reto por su cuenta y lideren el diseño de las soluciones.
Nuestra organización tiene una idea nueva, pero nunca antes intentamos hacer algo así. ¿Podemos aplicar?
Sí, pueden aplicar, independientemente de que la idea se haya probado antes o no. Tenga en cuenta que los solicitantes deben describir una idea que quieran explorar en su contexto y que crean que generará un cambio positivo duradero. Este enfoque permite que afloren ideas incipientes a partir de un diálogo constante con las comunidades.
¿Cuánta financiación puede recibir cada organización?
El máximo apoyo financiero al que los solicitantes pueden tener acceso es de USD 45,000.
¿Qué costos cubre el Fondo?
El Fondo podrá cubrir todos los costos relacionados con las actividades del proyecto, como la adquisición de bienes y servicios, como también los costos de personal o dotación de personal necesarios para promover los objetivos del proyecto. También se podrán cubrir los gastos generales y administrativos si tienen una relación clara con el proyecto. Los fondos no pueden utilizarse para la adquisición de bienes o servicios con fines personales.
¿Pueden personas individuales inscribirse en el Fondo?
No. Los solicitantes deben presentar una solicitud como equipo, generalmente como parte de una organización de base comunitaria o liderada por personas refugiadas existente.
¿Acepta el Fondo solicitudes en conjunto de dos o más organizaciones?
El Fondo acepta y promueve las propuestas de varias partes interesadas. Recomendamos que una organización asuma la responsabilidad de presentar una expresión de interés y la propuesta completa en conjunto, y que se asegure de incluir en la solicitud los nombres de las organizaciones asociadas. En este caso, el financiamiento máximo para cualquier proyecto, ya sea que esté liderado por una o varias organizaciones, es de USD 45,000.
¿Cuál es el período de implementación del proyecto?
Se espera que los proyectos que reciben apoyo del Fondo inicien la implementación en enero de 2024. Nos aseguraremos de que toda la documentación relevante para formalizar el acuerdo de colaboración especial entre los beneficiarios y ACNUR esté preparada antes del final de 2023. El apoyo financiero canalizado a través del Fondo puede distribuirse durante un máximo de 18 meses.
Questions fréquentes
Qui a le droit de présenter une demande ?
Seules les organisations dirigées par des personnes qui ont vécu une situation de déplacement forcé ont le droit de présenter une demande. Il s’agit notamment des réfugiés, des demandeurs d’asile, des déplacés internes, des personnes de retour et des apatrides. Nous acceptons les candidatures d’organisations aussi bien enregistrées que non enregistrées. Dans la mesure où le Fonds essaie de promouvoir des idées nouvelles, les projets qui ont déjà reçu un soutien lors de cycles précédents du Fonds d’innovation dirigé par des réfugiés n’ont pas le droit de recevoir des financements supplémentaires pour poursuivre la mise en œuvre d’initiatives existantes. Toutefois, les organisations déjà sélectionnées qui proposent une nouvelle idée ou un nouveau projet peuvent présenter une demande.
Qu’est-ce qui est considéré comme innovation par le Fonds ?
L’innovation n’est pas une question de technologie, il s’agit de relever des défis de manière nouvelle ou inexplorée pour créer de la valeur pour les communautés. Nous évaluons le caractère innovant d’une idée en regardant si elle représente une approche créative et nouvelle des défis identifiés par les personnes déplacées de force et les personnes apatrides, et la valeur/l’impact qu’elle générera pour la communauté. Les idées peuvent être nouvelles pour le HCR, nouvelles pour le contexte ou nouvelles pour le Monde.
Comment allez-vous sélectionner les projets ?
Pour garantir un processus efficace et éviter les efforts inutiles déployés par les organisations pour élaborer des propositions complètes à un stade précoce, le processus de candidature au Fonds d’innovation par les Réfugiés se déroulera en deux phases :
- Manifestations d’intérêt : Toutes les organisations intéressées à recevoir un soutien par le biais du Fonds devront soumettre une Manifestation d’Intérêt avant le 30 juin, décrivant brièvement leur problème, la solution proposée et la valeur qu’elle générera pour la communauté. Le Service Innovation listera les candidatures reçues pour présélectionner les plus prometteuses. Ces candidatures présélectionnées passeront par un processus bref de vérification et de diligence. Les Manifestations d’intérêt qui ne sont pas présélectionnées seront informées.
- Propositions complètes : les organisations qui réussissent le premier bref processus de vérification et de diligence élaboreront des propositions complètes qui seront examinées par un comité technique et un comité directeur, composé de personnes déplacées de force et de personnes apatrides, afin de prendre une décision finale sur les projets qui seront soutenus par le Fonds.
Quel est le critère d’évaluation ?
Les principaux critères à suivre lors du processus de sélection seront :
- Cadrage du problème : dans quelle mesure la problématique est-elle bien cadrée ? les points de vue des membres de la communauté et des parties prenantes concernées ont-ils été récoltés ?
- Nouveauté de l’idée/solution : des solutions similaires existent-elles ou non ?
- Valeur pour la communauté : impact positif potentiel sur la ou les communautés identifiées si la solution proposée est un succès.
- Engagement des personnes déplacées de force et apatrides dans toutes les phases du projet, de l’identification des problèmes, au suivi, et à l’évaluation.
Le Fonds privilégie-t-il une technologie, un thème ou un domaine d’impact spécifique ?
Non. Le Fonds souligne l’importance de faire en sorte que les personnes qui ont connu une situation de déplacement forcé soient capables de définir le problème elles-mêmes et de diriger l’élaboration de solutions.
Notre organisation a une nouvelle idée mais nous n’avons jamais essayé rien de tel auparavant. Pouvons-nous tout de même déposer notre candidature ?
Oui, vous pouvez déposer votre candidature que vous ayez ou non testé votre idée auparavant. N’oubliez pas que les demandeurs doivent exposer une idée qu’ils veulent explorer dans leur contexte et qui selon eux aboutira à un changement positif durable. Cette approche permet de à des idées émergentes de faire surface à partir d’un dialogue continu avec leurs communautés.
Quel financement chaque organisation peut-elle recevoir ?
Le soutien financier maximum que les candidats peuvent demander est de 45 000 dollars E.-U.
Quels coûts sont couverts par le Fonds ?
Tous les coûts liés aux activités de projet peuvent être couverts par le Fonds, y compris l’achat de biens et de services, ainsi que les frais de personnel nécessaires pour promouvoir les objectifs du projet. Les frais administratifs et les frais généraux peuvent aussi être pris en charge s’ils peuvent clairement être liés au projet. Les fonds ne peuvent être utilisés pour acheter des biens ou des services destinés à un usage personnel.
Des personnes individuelles peuvent-elles présenter une demande au Fonds ?
Non. Les candidats doivent présenter leur demande en tant qu’équipe, généralement dans le cadre d’une organisation existante, locale, communautaire ou dirigée par des réfugiés.
Le Fonds accepte-t-il les demandes conjointes de deux organisations ou plus ?
Le Fonds accueille favorablement et encourage les propositions multipartites. Nous recommandons qu’une organisation assume la responsabilité de la soumission de la manifestation d’intérêt conjointe et de la proposition complète, en veillant à faire figurer le nom de toutes les organisations partenaires dans la demande. Le financement maximum pouvant être accordé à un projet, qu’il soit dirigé par une ou plusieurs organisations, est de 45 000 dollars E.-U.
Quelle est la période de mise en œuvre du projet ?
Les projets soutenus par le Fonds doivent commencer à être mis en œuvre en janvier 2024. Nous veillerons à ce que tous les documents nécessaires pour officialiser l’accord de partenariat spécial entre les bénéficiaires et le HCR soient préparés avant la fin 2023. Le soutien financier fourni par le Fonds peut être étalé sur une période de 18 mois maximum.
أسئلة يتكرر طرحها
من مؤهّل للتقديم؟
وحدها المنظمات التي يقودها أشخاص تعرضوا للنزوح القسري مؤهلة للتقديم. ويشمل ذلك اللاجئين وطالبي اللجوء والنازحين داخليًا والعائدين وعديمي الجنسية. نقبل الطلبات من المنظمات المسجلة وغير المسجلة. وفيما يحاول الصندوق الارتقاء بالأفكار الجديدة التي تقترحها المنظمات بقيادة اللاجئين لاختبار نهج جديدة، لا تعتبر المشاريع التي حصلت على دعم خلال الدورات السابقة لصندوق الابتكار بقيادة اللاجئين مؤهلة للحصول على تمويل إضافي للاستمرار بتطبيق المبادرات القائمة. ولكن المنظمات الحائزة على منح والتي تقدم فكرة أو مشروع جديد يمكنها تقديم طلب.
ما الذي يعتبره الصندوق ابتكارًا؟
لا يتعلق الابتكار بالتكنولوجيا ، بل يتعلق بمعالجة التحديات بطرق جديدة أو غير مستكشفة لخلق قيمة للمجتمعات. نقوم بتقييم الابتكار في فكرة ما على أساس المدى الذي تمثل فيه نهجًا مبتكرًا وجديدًا للتحديات التي تم تحديدها من قبل النازحين قسراً وعديمي الجنسية والقيمة / الأثر الذي ستولده في المجتمع. قد تكون الأفكار جديدة على المفوضية ، أو جديدة على السياق ، أو جديدة على العالم.
كيف ستختارون المشاريع؟
لضمان عملية فعالة وتجنب الجهود غير الضرورية التي تبذلها المنظمات في تطوير مقترحات كاملة في مرحلة مبكرة ، ستتم عملية التقديم إلى صندوق الابتكار بقيادة اللاجئين على مرحلتين:
- إبداء الاهتمام (EoI): سيتعين على جميع المنظمات المهتمة بالحصول على الدعم من خلال الصندوق تقديم EoI بحلول 30 يونيو والتي تصف بإيجاز التحدي الذي تواجهه والحل المقترح والقيمة التي ستولدها في المجتمع. ستدرج خدمة الابتكار قائمة طويلة بالطلبات الواردة للاختيار المسبق للتطبيقات الواعدة. ستخضع هذه التطبيقات المدرجة في القائمة الطويلة لعملية تدقيق وبذل العناية الواجبة للتحقق من بعض التفاصيل ذات الصلة حول المنظمات. لم يتم إخطار EoIs المحددة مسبقًا.
- المقترحات الكاملة: ستضع المنظمات التي تجتاز عملية الفحص والعناية الواجبة مقترحات كاملة ستراجعها لجنة فنية ولجنة توجيهية ، والتي تشمل النازحين قسراً وعديمي الجنسية ، لاتخاذ قرار نهائي بشأن المشاريع التي سيتم دعمها. من خلال الصندوق.
ما هي معايير التقييم؟
المعايير الرئيسية التي يجب اتباعها أثناء عملية الاختيار ستكون:
- تأطير التحدي: مدى جودة تأطير التحدي وما إذا كانت آراء أعضاء المجتمع وأصحاب المصلحة المعنيين قد تم التقاطها ؛
- حداثة الفكرة / الحل: هل توجد حلول مماثلة أم لا.
- القيمة للمجتمع: التأثير الإيجابي المحتمل على المجتمع (المجتمعات) المحددة إذا كان الحل المقترح ناجحًا.
- إشراك النازحين قسراً وعديمي الجنسية في جميع مراحل المشروع ، من تحديد التحدي إلى الرصد والتقييم
هل يركز الصندوق على تكنولوجيا محددة أو موضوع أو مجال تأثير؟
لا، يركز الصندوق على أهمية ضمان أن الأشخاص الذين تعرضوا للنزوح القسري قادرون على تحديد إطار التحدي بنفسهم وقيادة تصميم الحلول.
تملك منظمتنا فكرة جديدة لكننا لم نجرب أي شيء شبيه لها بالسابق. هل يمكننا تقديم طلب؟
نعم، يمكن تقديم طلب إذا جربتم الفكرة بالسابق أم لا. وتذكّر أنه يُطلب من أصحاب الطلبات تفسير الفكرة التي يودون اختبارها في سياقها ولما يعتبرون أنها ستحدث تغييرًا إيجابيًّا مستديمًا. ويتيح هذا النهج للأفكار الناشئة أن تنتج عن الحوار المستمر في مجتمعاتها.
ما هو حجم التمويل الذي يمكن لمنظمة أن تحصل عليه؟
إن الحد الأقصى للدعم المالي الذي يمكن طلبه هو 45 ألف دولار أميركي.
ما هي التكاليف التي يغطيها الصندوق؟
يمكن للصندوق تغطية كافة التكاليف المرتبطة بأنشطة المشروع، بما في ذلك شراء السلع والخدمات بالإضافة إلى تكاليف الموظفين الضروريين للتقدم بأهداف المشروع. ومن الممكن ايضًا تغطية التكاليف المكتبية والإدارية إذا كان من الممكن ربطها بالمشروع بوضوح. ولا يمكن استخدام التمويل لشراء السلع والخدمات للاستخدام الشخصي.
هل يمكن للأفراد تقديم طلب للصندوق؟
لا، على أصحاب الطلب أن يقدموا طلبهم كفريق، كجزء من منظمة شعبية أو مجتمعية أو بقيادة لاجئين.
هل يقبل الصندوق الطلبات المشتركة من منظمتين أو أكثر؟
يرحب الصندوق بالمقترحات من جهات معنية متعددة ويشجعها. ونوصي بأن تتولى منظمة واحدة مسؤولية تقديم الإعراب المشترك عن الاهتمام والمقترح الكامل وتضمن شمل أسماء المنظمات الشريكة في الطلب. وإن الحد الأقصى للتمويل المتوفر لأي مشروع هو 45 ألف دولار أميركي، أكان بقيادة منظمة واحدة أو أكثر.
ما هي مدة تنفيذ المشروع؟
يُتوقع أن تبدأ المشاريع المدعومة من الصندوق بالتنفيذ في شهر يناير 2024. سنضمن إعداد الوثائق كلها لإضفاء الطابع الرسمي لاتفاق الشراكة الخاص بين أصحاب المنح والمفوضية قبل نهاية 2023. ويمكن توزيع الدعم المالي من الصندوق على مدة أقصاها 18 شهرًا.
Questions about the Fund can be directed to [email protected]
Las preguntas sobre el Fondo pueden dirigirse a la dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected]
Les questions sur le Fonds peuvent être adressées directement à l’adresse [email protected]
يمكن توجيه الأسئلة المتعلقة بالصندوق إلى عنوان البريد الالكتروني التالي: [email protected]
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